SDB Art Space

…artistic excellence

A premier online art gallery based in Singapore…giving you the comfort to buy confidently online.


Differently Bestowed Artists


Differently Bestowed Artists


Differently Bestowed Artists


Differently Bestowed Artists

Fantasy Land

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Cai Jie Wei

Peranakan Tiles I

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Cai Jie Wei

Peranakan Tiles II

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Cai Jie Wei

Broken Tiles I

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Cai Jie Wei

Peranakan Tiles III

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Our Artists

Benevolence….Artistic excellence

Founded in 2019, SDB Art Space has made tremendous impact thanks to the help of members and volunteers in the Singapore Art community. The core of our work lies in the continuous passion and dedication we bring to the range of projects we created. These artists joined us by supporting our efforts to make a meaningful difference in the artistic lives of others.

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SDB Art Space

We’re committed to investing our expertise and resources to further achieve our inclusive cause. We’ve been supporting our community members in a variety of ways and measuring our success not just by monetary size but by more qualitative measurements such as the scale and effectiveness of our efforts.

SDB Art Space 秉持宗旨投入了许多资源以各种方式为社会中有需要的族群给予援助。重要的不只是金钱数目的衡量而是 “授人以鱼不如授人以渔” 的精神,为了更有效地帮助与扩展受惠族群。

About Us


SDB Art Space have been dedicating our expertise, efforts and resources to addressing the self-sustainability of our Differently Bestowed artists since 2000. We believe more in empowering this group to fish than simply giving them fish. Positive action and opportunity can help transform their lives. We organise both in-person/online art exhibition events where accomplished masters and other excellent practitioners lend their caring, sharing support for a charitable cause of meaningful benefit to all.

We measure the success of our projects not in terms of money, but by their qualitative effectiveness. We are committed to facilitating progress through further social collaboration and development in creating a uniquely Singapore art community.

“Every drop of water becomes an ocean”

No contribution in any form is too small or insignificant from an individual or organisation. We strive to MAKE A DIFFERENCE and INVITE YOU to learn more about us.


自2000年开始,SDB Art Space 秉持宗旨投入许多技能,人力与资源,以各种网络现场展览方案采用大师级,卓越班画家为社会中需要另外关怀又热爱美术的族群给予鼓励援助。重点不在金钱数目大小,因而深信

“授人以鱼不如授人以渔” 可改变人生,过程中并且创造具有新加坡特色的绘组。这是件不易之事,得靠年年的日积月累,但再小的支持,也平等达到全体长期努力收获的宝贵见证。一滴滴水竟成洋,我们随时同样欢迎您本人或集团的任何形式参加!

Come Work With Us

With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for those in need. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team today.


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A Good Deed Collection

“Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do”