Diana Lim 林中霞
林中霞在1 986年间开始在南洋美专接受正规的美术训练。在美专上课期间有机会接触到各种绘画媒介与技巧。毕业后拜师水彩名家黎才专老师努力学习水彩画。1998年荣获蚬壳标艺术新秀奨,之后成为全职画家,在人协旗下各联络所及居委会、365防癌中心与飞跃家庭辅导中心担任美术导师至今长达二十余年,除此她也是国家艺术理事会所特许的公众场合肖像漫画艺术家,推广艺术及培养新秀不遗余力的她在2018年成立了《快乐写生》绘画团队,会员人数逐渐增至现今的八十多位,每逢周末队员们都积极到户外各处去写生。
Diana Lim’s love for art started since her childho od days. She still rememberedhow she had waited eagerly for the adults to finish their mahjong session so thatshe could have the piece of mahjong paper just for doing her drawings. Shestarted her formal art education in NAFA in the year 1986. There she was taughtwith all kinds of mediums and techniques of art. After graduating »om NAFA,Diana chosen to continue her passion of watercolours under the tutorage of fa-mous watercolourist Mr. Loy chye chuan.
Diana Lim won the Shell Discovery Art Award in 1998. Since then she decidedto become a full time artist and started teaching in various community centresand in the venue of residents’committees, the 365 Cancer Prevention Centre,
Fei Yue Family Centre as well as in her own private studio.
With her strong passion in art, Diana formed a sketching group with the name”Happy sketchers”in 2018. Currently there are about 80 members, and they areactively participating in outdoor sketching all around Singapore.
Diana is member of Singapore Watercolour Society.
Life member of the Society for Chinese Artists, Singapore Art Society, Nanyang Acad-emy of Fine Arts Alumni Association,
People’s Association’Qualified Art Instructor.