The Gallery
Many like-minded Singapore artists are featured here offering their artworks for sales online.
Each artwork here is not only a unique piece to cherish but also a valuable investment, crafted by established, award-winning artists with proven market value. By offering these paintings at prices below their typical market rate, we aim to make art accessible to all while supporting a greater purpose.
Your purchase goes beyond acquiring a beautiful piece—it directly contributes to nurturing emerging artists, particularly those with special needs. This initiative is central to our mission, as we believe in providing these talented individuals with opportunities to shine and grow in their artistic careers.
We invite you to explore the featured artists, learn their stories, and consider investing in their work. Your support has a lasting impact on both the artists and the inclusive art community we’re building together.
Explore the individual artists featured, read their CV and enjoy (and remember to buy) their paintings. Your support goes a long way for Differently Bestowed artists.
许多热心的新加坡艺术家们也在这里提供他们的艺术品,供您购买。部分收入将捐赠与专注弱势群体的慈善机构。 这里的许多画作都是出自知名艺术家之手,其中很多更是艺术奖项获奖者。不妨将这些作品视为投资,同时尽到慈善善举。 为支持与培养有抱负的残疾与弱势年轻启蒙艺术家们(我们称为“特殊天赋艺术家”)的善举,许多作品标价已是低于其市场价值,只为寻求它的知音人。您的慷慨解囊能够点亮他们的梦想 您在这里找到的每件作品都是独一无二,值得珍藏。 在您赏阅之余请关注这些特色艺术家的简历,并享受(也记得购买)他们的画作。