Wilson Chia 谢逊宝
Wilson Chia Soon Poh, art lover and artist, is a retired businessman. Passionate in helping the less fortunate, he has devoted much of his time in numerous youth and elderly related welfare and activities over the years.
His penchant for art in later years lead him to discover a new passion, a new journey in Chinese Painting.
Now he spends more time in his newfound pursuit in art using Chinese ink and rice paper. He enjoys every stroke he makes as inspiration arises.
“The joy that one finds when immersed in painting is reflected through one’s brush strokes. It is a truly exhilarating feeling when one completes a painting.”
In recent years, he has setup SDB Art Space as a not-for-profit enterprise to promote Singapore Artists’ work in the international art arena. SDB Art Space also actively aspires to create a community Art Space for Singapore Artists through organising exhibition opportunities.
During which Wilson has organised countless community services projects, seminars, conventions and arts exhibitions.
Under his vision, he has overseen numerous charity art exhibitions such as:
- A series of three Lions HeArt Exhibition, with the aim of raising funds towards Lions Home for the Elders and Lions Befriender Services Association,
- Lions Clubs Art Fest 2019
- Goh Loo Duan Yu Festival Charity Art Exhibition 2019
- Art of Giving Charity Art Exhibition @ JustCo Marina
- Singapore Art Champions Exhibtion
- Differently Bestowed Artists Exhibition
- Uniquely Singapore Artists Exhibition